- 1). Clean your pool so it is free of algae and debris before you install the pool cleaner.
- 2). Clean the filter element, skimmer basket and the pump's strainer basket.
- 3). Adjust the chemical balance of the pool water.
- 4). Remove obstructions, such as the ladder and pool toys, from the pool.
- 5). Allow the pump to run while you put the end of the hose up to the pool's return fitting and prime the vacuum hose. Water will be forced through the hose and push out the air. Continue until the air bubbles stop coming out the other end.
- 6). Turn off the valve for the main drain, or restrict the water flow with a skimmer bypass plate, to block the unused suction line if your pool has two suction lines.
- 7). Place the end of the automatic regulator valve over the elbow located on the skimmer plate. The skimmer plate is located on the skimmer basket. The automatic regulator valve is located on the end of the Manta Ray's vacuum hose, and the valve should be facing downward. If your pool doesn't have a skimmer vacuum plate, skip this step and go to step number 8 or 9.
- 8). Insert the end of the automatic regulator valve into the 2-inch hose cone and place the other end of the hose cone into the bottom of the skimmer. The skimmer connection should be snug. If you have an above ground pool and neither step 7 nor 8 works for your pool, then skip to step 9.
- 9). Look for a vacuum port, below the skimmer opening, in the skimmer face plate. Insert the automatic regulator valve into the vacuum port.
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