I don't know for sure, but if it is your time...
As a general question, I would question the reasoning behind a total Apocalypse.
Not that it couldn't happen, but this reminds me of the fear produced in the year 2000.
Seems like a good time to bring up another scare and make some money while we are at it.
I don't mean to minimize predictions or history in this article, but let us have a closer look at exactly what the controversy is all about.
It is said that December 21st marks the countdown to what ancient prophecies term "the end of time", which many interpret to mean the end of the world - or at least, the end of the world as we know it.
There is serious amount of speculation and predictions regarding the events that people think will actually happen.
The anticipated end of the Mayan Calendar is building momentum among the masses similar to the exaggerated anticipation that we witnessed as the world edged closer to the year 2000 (remember the fear produced around Y2K?).
But what do the predictions mean by "end of the world".
Will we all die in 2012? Will our divine consciousness finally emerge? Will we be able to communicate with animals and love each other to the point that all arms will be melted and used for hotdog stands? Some believe we will experience a polar shift.
Others predict the impact of a great meteor or asteroid, which has also catastrophically occurred before.
The Mayan calendar is based on advanced astronomical knowledge.
The ancient Mayans studied the stars and were extremely advanced mathematicians.
Most of us think of ancient cultures as being primitive, but modern science has yet to truly explain how the pyramids were built, or how the primitive ancients built great stone structures all over the world, like Stonehenge, or the monoliths on Easter Island.
Nobody really seems to have the answers and I don't believe We Will All Die In 2012.
It is all speculation and interpretation.
Who is right or are we all wrong? Fear is a powerful emotion response to a perceived threat.
If it is properly and methodically produced in any situation, mankind can easily be manipulated into predicted behavior patterns.
It is still less than two years away and we will merrily go on about our daily lives.
Here is my prediction.
6 months before December 21 2012, the hype, fear, speculation and conditioning will kick in.
We will go out and buy up all the survival equipment and gear we can find.
Shelves in grocery stores will start to look bare and we'll hunker down for the end.
Not me.
I'll be harvesting my garden and planning for winter vacation with my wife.
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