1. David Allan CEO Live In Macon
The moment I saw this hat, I burst out laughing. I laughed because I couldn't believe anyone knew David Allan Coe, let alone knew him well enough to make his name a sight gag. David Allan Coe is one of the old outlaw country musicians, much like Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings used to be. One of my favorite songs of his is "Crazy Mary." And you thought I wasn't well-rounded! (Disregard picture at left. That's another episode.)2. Here's The Beef
But can a squid claim that? Of course, this joke is referencing an old Wendy's slogan from the 1980s, when an old lady would look at her non-Wendy's burger and call out, "Where's the beef?" It took a long time for that clever ad campaign to die. Well, I guess this is proof it isn't really dead, right?3. I Heart Cock Fighting
Without a picture of this hat, you may not understand why it's so funny. Yes, it's funny that Early loves cock fighting. But the hat was really funny because the word "Fighting" was in very small print compared to the other words. Makes you wonder about Early's reputation as a ladies' man, though.
See also: 10 Funniest Episodes of South Park
4. Free Hat Limit 1
One of the key characteristics of back woods redneck folk is that they're always seek handouts, right? Well, this hat proves it. Plus, the writing looks like a child drew on it.5. Picture of a Buck
This hat means a lot to me because I'm a sentimental fool. It takes me back to when I was a budding young woman, with a crush on a boy who loved Hank Williams, Jr.'s song "A Country Boy Can Survive." How many times I listened to that song... Did I mention I grew up in West Virigina? Anyhow, the hat says, "Can skin a buck, run a troutline, and all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight."6. Firebird Logo
It's not the official logo. It's actually a squid shaped like the Firebird logo. The Firebird is THE car to have if you're a hillbilly. And drawing a squid like that, well, it tickles my funny bone.
See also: 5 Great Cartoons You Won't Find on TV
7. Groom
You know you're at a classy affair when the husband-to-be is wearing his "Groom" ball cap.8. May I Help You, My Child?
Early wore this hat when he worked at Mattress Christ. There are so many reasons this hat is funny. Number one, what kind of place is called Mattress Christ? Number two, such reverance in customer service is funny. Number three, Early Cuyler is in no way righteous enough to use that line on anyone.9. 2005 Prom King
It's just funny to me, in a sad, ironic way, that Early was ever Prom King or still holds onto those memories. But where are those friends now, huh? The loyal ones who voted for him? I don't see them coming around to help him out of his scrapes with the law or even bring a potluck dinner from time to time.10. Breathe If You're Horny
In Early's utopia, everyone would be horny. All the time. 'Nuff said.
See also: What's on Animation Domination High-Def?