Family & Relationships

Keeping Your Kids Safe - Internet Safety

As a parent there are many things that we protect our children from. We protect them from hot stoves, guns, strangers, and anything else that could potentially hurt them. In fact that is one of the main jobs as a parent when kids are extremely young. It's to watch over and protect them from things that they might not realize could hurt them. This doesn't change when they get older either. What does change though are the things that we protect them from. Instead of hot stoves, parents will find themselves protecting their kids from drugs and alcohol. But there's one new threat out there today that wasn't out there twenty years ago, that parents need to be aware of. The internet.

Often overlooked by parents, the internet can pose just as much danger, if not more danger, than many of the other things mentioned in the prior paragraph, that parents try and protect their children from. And with the increased exposure, and availability, of the internet to our adolescence today there comes an increased need for more awareness, as a parent, to the potential dangers that children can be exposed to.

One of the main dangers that kids can encounter on the internet is simply the exposure to explicit content. It can be extremely easy for a kid to be exposed to vulgar, adult, or violent content all in a matter of seconds with just a simple click of the button. And many a times this can be just an accidental click. What makes this situation even worse is that, in a lot of circumstances, the parents aren't even aware of the fact that their children are being exposed to this content. So what does this mean for parents? It means that parents need to be proactive when it comes to protecting their kids from the threats that come with the internet. They need to put precautionary measures into place, or be more proactive, to prevent their kids from being exposed to this content.

A few things that parents can do to protect their kids are: 1) Take advantage of the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) parental-control features. 2) Keep the computer in a common area and not in individual bedrooms so you can monitor its use. 3) Bookmark your kids' favorite sites so they don't have to "search" for them every time, thereby limiting their potential exposure. 4) Spend time online together with your kids to teach them appropriate online behavior.

While the above isn't an exhaustive list it will at least get you started in the right direction, as a parent, for helping make sure that your kid(s) are safe and protected when it comes to the internet. Also, if you happen to be a business owner as well as a parent, don't forget to protect your business along with your kid(s). There are tons of dangers and threats out there for businesses (and their networks) that, just like many parents, a lot of business owners aren't even aware of. But due to the complexities involved with business networks it is highly recommended that you speak with a Dallas network support [] expert. They'll be able to answer any questions you may have and give you an accurate picture of the current state of your network security.

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