For some men, the best course of treatment for their erectile dysfunction is a vacuum device.
This is a mechanism that involves a vacuum used to pull the essential blood into the penis to cause an erection to happen.
There are 3 parts to a vacuum device: a pump, an elastic band and a cylinder that holds the penis.
Once this is set up, the pump is used to get the blood into the penis.
The elastic band is placed at the base of the penis to maintain the erection.
It is vital the band is correctly in place so the male isn't experiencing discomfort.
If it slips off then the blood will go out of the penis and the erection will be lost.
It can take some practice to become used to the method for employing a vacuum device to get an erection.
First, you want to apply water-soluble jelly to the base of the penis.
You have to be in a position to build up pressure in it and that will not occur if air is getting through.
Trim your pubic hairs so that you can get a better seal.
The number of pumping that needs to be done will rely on how much pressure it will take for you to get a full erection.
Some men have a totally flaccid penis to work with while others have a partial erection.
It is important to be aware of the banding of the penis after you have an erection.
This is to make sure you do not lose that erection.
Remember that the plastic bands come in varied dimensions and shapes.
You'll have to try many of them before you find the one that is the best fit for you.
Choose one that makes you feel comfortable.
This band isn't going to affect the sexual satisfaction for either party during intercourse.
It is advisable to chat about the use of a vacuum device with your health practitioner.
It could be highly uncomfortable to use such a device in the first attempt.
You do not want to use one that is not suitable as you can risk hurting your penis.
Many men would instead choose to take medicine so they can get an erection naturally.
However, since medicines for erectile dysfunction may not be suitable for all males, vacuum device should be a good alternative.
Lots of these devices are sold online but you have to do your homework.
Know who you are making the purchase from and what their reputation is.
This way you can get an idea of who you can have trust in and who you cannot.
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