Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Angular Cheilitis Treatment - How to Cure Angular Cheilitis

There needs to be an Angular Cheilitis treatment (also known as Perleche or Stomitis) which completely eliminates the problem, and not just medicates the outward symptoms.
The adaptability and the way that bacteria can constantly evolve, it seems that common antibiotics just have no effect.
Other medications, such as the many 1% hydro cortisone products out there, also seem to fall short, which leaves many of us utterly disappointed with today's modern medicine.
As a result, many people the world over have been resorting to alternatives like home remedies and natural cures.
For an Angular Cheilitis treatment to work with any effectiveness, we need to have a better understanding of the cause.
Many out there confuse this condition as a side symptom of a flu, because these outbreaks often happen during the fall or the winter months - this is just not the case.
The condition is actually caused by fungal bacteria, which thrives in moisture caught within folds, creases or wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, and these can be caused by a few things.
Perhaps we've gotten overweight, and our face has acquired folds in that area, or age has caused these folds to appear in these places.
Maybe we have misaligned teeth, or dentures that don't fit correctly, and we tend to "over-close" the mouth around them, which then creates these folds for the fungal bacteria to take foothold in.
The most important fact to utilize in developing an Angular Cheilitis treatment is this; fungal bacteria absolutely cannot survive without moisture.
This is the plain and simple root of the answer here...
this is the whole logic behind it.
Simply deny the fungal bacteria moisture, and it automatically dies off completely.
The problem now, is to try to keep this naturally moist area moisture free, without damaging your skin.
Topical home remedies which can dry up and kill off fungal bacteria are the most popular alternative Angular Cheilitis treatment today.
Recipes for these usually include natural ingredients that are easily attainable, and can even usually be found in the home.
Attacking fungal bacteria with a home remedy of natural ingredients seems the most effective and naturally safe means of Angular Cheilitis treatment.

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