Are you currently engaged in a battle with symptoms of yeast infection burning itching? If so I have some incredibly helpful yeast infection treatments for burning and itching and effective tips to provide some sound natural symptom relief. I will also provide the ultimate solution for actually eliminating your infection as well.
Have you tried:
Chickweed Ointment - This natural anti-itch herbal cream is a blessing to yeast infection sufferers everywhere as it has a profound effect on soothing the skin and reducing irritation. Apply as needed.
Aloe Vera Gel - A very popular solution for a variety of ailments, its also highly effective in eliminating yeast infection burning itching. Make sure to use one that is at least 99% pure with ideally few or no added ingredients or preservatives.
Unsweetened Yogurt - This is a great way to fight back, unlike the two treatments already mentioned, this can also effectively eliminate the infection. The beneficial bacteria inside the yogurt is a natural enemy of yeast and friendly to the body. In fact many cases of yeast infections are started when for one reason or another this beneficial bacteria is destroyed in the body.
Air it out - Literally this means in some privacy go bottomless and wander around so that you expose your genital area to oxygen so that any yeast is effectively eliminated. Bathing suits, leather pants and thongs are all death traps while suffering from a vaginal yeast infection, avoid them like the plague.
Yogurt Cubes: Using some unsweetened yogurt (Make sure its unsweetened as sugar will make the infection worse) freeze yogurt into either cubes or using a popsicle tray make them into popsicles. After about a couple of hours they should be frozen, apply against the affected and surrounding areas in and around the vagina. This can provide tremendous yeast infection burning relief.
Click Here to Discover how I cured my Vaginal Yeast Infection in less than 12 hours without the use of harmful drugs (MONISTAT), antibiotics or expensive supplements!
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