As we get older, our bone density deteriorates and this leads to many diseases such as osteoporosis.
While there many medications used for this, many have seen more potential in the use of natural treatment for osteoporosis.
What is osteoporosis? This is characterized by a fragility of the bones that leads to sponge-like bone structure.
If you have seen sponge-like corals in our oceans, this is what our bones usually look like when it loses its natural density.
This can make it more susceptible to breaking and fracture.
Normally, our bones comprise of calcium, collagen and protein which are responsible in giving it its strength.
However, it can deteriorate and will lead to this disease which can affect the spine, wrists and hips.
What are the symptoms? This deterioration can already be present even without outward symptoms.
Many people go on living normally for years and not until it has already grown more severe do they feel the symptoms.
When the symptoms attack, there is pain involved in the overall skeletal structure or the particular part where loss of density occurs.
If it is located in the spine, it can cause lower back pain.
There may also be loss of height because of the bending of the spine which gives the person affected a marked hunchback appearance.
This condition is dangerous in the sense that they can fracture their most vital skeletal structure easily even when they are doing normal activities.
These fractures are more difficult to heal than normal fractures.
Statistics say that 30% of those who suffers from hip fracture need lifelong home care.
There is also a big chance of developing complications such as pneumonia or blood clotting because of extended lack of mobility.
How can we prevent loss of bone density? What are the treatments? It is far more difficult to treat this disease than to prevent it.
This is why the public needs to be aware of the ways on how to prevent this condition from developing.
Ditching bad habits such as cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol can help.
Having a sufficient intake of calcium as well as vitamin D is beneficial.
Many experts have explored the possibility of a cure using natural treatment for osteoporosis.
Here is a list of effective remedies that can reverse the effects of this disease.
Taking a tablespoon of honey every day is a simple natural treatment for osteoporosis.
Including sesame seeds in your food everyday also helps improve this condition.
Drinking tea made from an herbal remedy called Dandelion can support the density of the bones.
Chaste berry is another cure because it contains vitexicarpin and vitricin which are great in regulating the hormones, thereby reducing the risks for this disease.
Brussel sprouts should also be taken regularly.
This is packed with Vitamin K which can prevent the deterioration of bone density.
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