On the internet and even driving down the road you see advertisements for teeth whitening.
Everyone wants to look their best and a great smile is important.
Stained teeth impact your appearance and undergoing teeth whitening is simple and a relatively safe and inexpensive procedure.
It is the most popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry.
There are several options to whiten your teeth, from having them whitened in a dentist office to purchasing a home beaching kit; almost everyone can have a brighter smile.
There are new whitening agents available that will not hurt your teeth.
If you ever look at the color of baby teeth you see enamel that closely resembles porcelain.
The enamel protects the teeth from damage that can be caused by chewing, trauma and sugar.
As we age, the enamel wears down and gets thinner and more transparent.
The dentin under the enamel is yellow and as the enamel becomes more transparent, the yellow dentin shows through.
Also, tiny little cracks occur in enamel and fill up with debris and stains, resulting in a dull or discolored appearance over time.
There are two types of stains that occur on the teeth, extrinsic and intrinsic.
Extrinsic stains appear on the outside of the tooth on the enamel and are a result of consuming foods and beverages, as well as the use of tobacco or tobacco products.
The stains are minor and can be removed with regular brushing and routine teeth cleaning at the dentist.
If the stains are stubborn, teeth whitening will remove them.
Intrinsic stains occur on the interior of the tooth.
These stains are caused by trauma to the tooth, fluoride, and some medications, including tetracycline as teeth are developing.
These stains do not respond well to teeth bleaching and a better solution might include bonding or veneers.
Tooth whitening is a chemical process that removes the stains on teeth, is not permanent and will require touch ups.
Dental whitening gels and bleaches are two common methods for whitening.
These whitening or bleaching agents actually react with the stain and neutralize it.
The best bleaching solutions and whitening gels are only available in the dentist office.
Home whitening kits have less concentrated products and will not produce the same results.
Yes, you will save some money and your teeth will be whiter, but not as white as if you had the procedure done in the dentist office.
The dentist office usually has two options, a home whitening kit with a less concentrated gel and a custom whitening tray.
You wear the gel filled trays for a couple of hours each night for a period of time to achieve the desired results.
The second option is laser bleaching, which takes about an hour and your teeth usually are about 2-4 shades whiter and gives you the fastest results.
Over the counter whitening kits are the cheapest method and uses a gel as well, but much less concentrated.
The other challenge is that the trays are not custom fit and gel may end up in your mouth and swallowed.
The best way to whiten your teeth, is to consult with your dentist and have your teeth examined before you start any treatment and discuss your options.
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