More and more people are beginning to realize that crate training is a simple method of learning for their dog, and if you are one of these people you will want to know where to buy discount dog crates that provide you with value for money.
You will obviously want the best crate for your dog, but also the best price that you can buy it for.
This article will try and help you in that direction.
But first, let's find out a little more of the benefits of a good dog crate.
Reasons To Crate Train.
Dogs in the wild would have a den they could retreat to, which would provide solace and protection from the elements.
And even in the home, a dog likes a place to call his (or her's) own.
Somewhere they can get their back up against and feel secure, but not isolated as his crate provides good ventilation and the ability to see all that is going on.
A dog crate also helps with your dog's natural instinct to keep his own space clean, so if he needs to go he will learn to hold it until he is outside in the proper area.
This helps to do away with little accidents and helps to learn him a schedule.
The crate also helps to eliminate behaviour problems like chewing or barking, but most of all it helps to make him happy and content and provides him with a safe haven.
How To Crate Train.
If you start your dog as a puppy, they will almost train themselves to seek the comfort of their own little home.
Encourage him into the crate, but don't force him.
Just take it slowly, and at the beginning don't close the door on him, let him go in and out at will.
Once he is happy with this, simply use your hand to restrain him from getting out.
Make him stay in a little longer and gradually increase the time.
Be sure to let him know he has done good.
Once he is happy with this, maybe after a few days of training, simply use the door of the crate to restrain him, and again let him know he has been a good boy.
Very soon he will be sitting and sleeping with the door closed.
Where To Buy Discount Dog Cages.
There are many places, both physical and online stores, where you are able to buy dog crates.
Some will offer free shipping, some will have next day shipping and some might offer free returns.
Some may even have really good prices.
Only you will know what you are looking for but I have had a look around and have found a site where you can buy discount dog cages.
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