The title itself suggests the novella is related to Eclipse in some way.
This is the story Bree Tanner, the newborn vampire who was killed in the war between the armies of Cullens and Victoria.
The book follows the six days in the life of the newborn vampire Bree's life.
Welcome Change Of Perspective Even if you didn't expect anything from the book, you would be pleasantly surprised by the enjoyment this off-chute story provides to the readers.
The change in perspective is especially likeable, especially after you have read Eclipse.
It's a great feeling to be able to see in the mind of a vampire and what sort of blood lust they feel right after they are born.
The description of killing and tasting human blood is also very interestingly told.
Well Developed Characters Despite being a novella, the character of Bree Tanner is extremely well developed though you may end up feeling the ending of Eclipse could have been a bit different.
People might wish to see Bree Tanner continue to live knowing well the rules and they might also like to see her as a part of the Cullen family.
The other characters people enjoyed reading about include Diego, Fred, and Riley.
There were tons of information covered in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and the insights provided into the minds of the vampires were priceless (for Twilight fans).
The Readers Are Enamored The author doesn't expect everyone to be besotted by the book, she is only targeting the teen girls and they are enamored.
Other people who didn't enjoy the book, still felt compelled to read them because they did not want to be left out (of current trends).
After all, it was the best selling paranormal series of our times.
The structure of the novel is different, and there is just a large chunk of text...
no chapters, no breaks at all.
The Story Has a Steady Pace The development and pacing of the story is steady throughout, and lack of structure to the book doesn't hurt it at all.
There is no drama or dramatic tension, but the development of the story fills all such apparent gaps.
It is a readable book, and the interest in the events of the book would increase gradually.
The fans would just adore the story and though the non-fans may find it a bit over the top.
Bree worries about Diego just like Bella, and then comes slightly hasty vampire battle.
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