Golfers doing it better. This should be the war cry of every golfer who wants to improve his or her game.
There are definitely no boundaries or limits when it comes to improvement in ones technical ability in the game of golf. Anyone who follows golf will acknowledge this fact, and for those who do not believe it, should take a look at all the great professionals. They are forever looking for ways to improve their ability at driving with more accuracy, or gaining more distance, or being able to putt better. This is the nature of winners in golf.
There is always room for improvement, and if you are serious about improving your own game, then you will take this advice I am going to give you now.
How many golfers do you know who are all over the place with their attitude to the game. They all want to be lower in their handicap. They all want longer drives, they all want accuracy, but none of them are prepared to put in the hard work to achieve any of this.
Are you one of these. Do you want to stay like that, If so stop reading this article right now. Stop playing golf, it does not need you with an attitude like that. Go take up hill walking or something else which might suit you better. I mean no disrespect to hill walkers, I am just using it as an example, because golf is not for you.
For golfers to do it better they must set aside a time to practice the programme relevant to whichever part of their game that they wish to improve in.
If a golfer wishes to find how to hit longer drives, then the path to follow for this is how to focus, BUT IT DOES NOT STOP THERE. There are certain drills which much be followed before one even contemplates taking a shot off the tee box. These drills are essential if one wants to hit that extra thirty or forty yards extra on their drive. It is not rocket science, it can be done simply enough.
The first part of this simple procedure is to plan a practice routine.
This involves just a few hours a week on the driving range, or in your back garden, practicing the techniques you are shown from your coach, or eBook, or video, or whatever your source of learning is.
Within this practice session you must adopt a focus. This focus must entail total concentration on the task at hand.
Do not attempt to drive a ball off the tee until you have your mind and eyes locked onto the ball and your mind set on exactly where you want that ball to travel, and just as importantly where you want it to land.
This simple practice of discipline will give you more distance and more accuracy.
Obviously there are techniques which you must follow to give you longer drives and more accuracy. I am assuming your relevant selection of coaching includes this type of techniques.
If they do not, then I recommend you set about immediately at sourcing these training methods out, and begin practicing.
Golfers who want to do better at their game will already have a routine and discipline instilled in their method of training.
If you do not then I think you should begin right now, just click below where it say's click here and you will immediately start to do it better.
Wishing you all the luck in the world with your future golfing.
Remember focus = discipline = doing it better.
Your friend in golf,
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