Ever thought your holiday photos look better than some postcards? Ever upload them on Facebook and get a tonne of great comments? If thats you then you need to read this article. Instead of your photos just clogging up your hard drive why not try to make a return on some of them? You can make money from all kinds of photos and images online. Making money from your photos is one of the best kept secrets on the web.
Even a novice can point and snap a good picture depending on lighting, landscape and emotion going on in the picture. Believe it or not photos that capture these techniques correctly, particularly pictures showing some form of emotion are really sort after by businesses, websites, magazines, news papers and many more. They pay certain companies who store these photos and if youre the author then you get the commission.
So can an amateur do this? Of course! I am certainly no expert at taking photos but Ive done some extensive travelling and while Im away I always try to get a great shot of everything. I happen to have some particularly great shots that look like postcards themselves and these are of a shark dive I did in Hawaii with my underwater camera, another shot being on an African safari of a crocodile looking dangerously close the camera and even just picturesque landscape snaps from places like the Croatian Islands, Hamilton Island, Paris and the list goes on.
When anyone asked how I took such great shots Id tell them it was the location at the right time, thats all. Im sure you use your cameras in everyday situations as well and these types of photos are also sort after by companies too.
Dont believe me? Well take these examples of what other people have made online with just simple photos. A photo of a family playing on the beach earned its owner $370 in one month, a picture of a business meeting earned its owner $479 in one month and my particular favourite a picture of just green grass earned its owner $638 in its first month.
Of course there are certain guidelines when it comes to photography but once you learn certain skills such as model release forms, property release forms, which photos sell and which dont, or which ones wont be accepted as well where to find the right company & website for your photos. But dont worry its easy, once you have your photos uploaded online all you need to do is sit back and what the commissions roll in. Learn how here .
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