On the average, a person could experience several allergic reactions to one or more things. This happens when we breathe in something that is usually harmless and our immune system (the body’s barrier against viruses and bacteria) classifies it as harmful and attacks. These are the allergens that we need to avoid exposure to. The hard part is, it is difficult to avoid allergens if we don’t know specifically what we are allergic to. Much harder still, allergens are everywhere. They can be in the form of plant pollens from trees, grasses, and weeds, dust mites, animal dander, cockroaches, mold, chemicals, and so forth. It makes it thrice as hard to avoid because pollen and mold may become airborne and can travel easily for miles.
Those affected with allergic rhinitis, also called nasal allergy, pollinosis, or hay fever is commonly caused by plant pollens. Some weeds depend on the wind for cross-pollination than insects to produce seasonal allergies. This makes allergies hard to avoid. Allergies symptoms are a result of the release of histamine, a very important protein in the body which mediates inflammation and is involved in many reactions. Here are the common symptoms that you may experience: itchy, puffy, and watery eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, decreased sense of smell, headache, and wheezing. This makes it very bothersome as aside from these, one can experience shortness of breath because the airways become constricted as the body’s response to the allergens. Should the immune system over activate and not be treated, it may result to complications and life-threatening situations. Relief of symptoms is a must!
Allergies treatment is a big factor to those who have allergies. For one, it would be less bothersome for them if they have relief from their symptoms. Having itchy eyes and a runny nose is not exactly a recipe for a happy day. Having it for three consecutive days is already a burden, what more if it extends to more than that? The symptoms also get worse during different seasons. It is important to know what to do and prevent it from occurring before the season changes.
To be diagnosed accurately, check with your physician and let him help you determine which particles you are allergic to. For all the over-the-counter-medications, which includes the anti-histamine medications, that is available in the market to provide symptomatic relief, still the best way to treat the allergic rhinitis is to avoid exposure to allergens. It is also the most cost-effective way in managing allergies. It is best to remove pets from the house to avoid animal dander, staying indoors when there are high pollen counts, control dust mites by using plastic-lined covers for mattress and pillows, and remove any that could absorb minute particles of dust such as stuff toys, carpets and drapes. Allergies treatment may include over-the-counter medications for symptomatic relief and shot for uncontrollable symptoms or unavoidable allergens (or those present all throughout the year).
Do not be afraid to have your allergies checked. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. It is important that you know what you are allergic to so you could have better prevention. Enjoy life without the burden of allergies symptoms!
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