Quetta is the urban center of one of the largest and mineral rich province. Quetta holds enormous potential in generating great revenue for the country but sadly it only contributes 1.5 % in the annual economic growth of the country.
There are many reasons associated with Quetta's poor economic growth, primary reason is that its economy is trade based second there are few industries, and technology is not being utilized for revenue generation.
Quetta despite being a potential center for economic growth has been unable to live to its full potential. Though considerable strength of population has technological awareness, still their knowledge regarding the use of information technology is limited to basic level.
There are several internet service providers in the city, and internet usage is growing with every passing day. Cheap rates of high speed internet have made access to new media far more easy and convenient for the masses.
But still they are unaware with the full potential held by new media, therefore groupin.pk with its maverick discount portal for online shopping in Quetta, will stretch the imaginations of residents of Quetta to new heights.
Groupin.pk is not just any online discount portal that is expanding its brand and company ideology forward, but is working solely for the benefits of its subscribers and consumers.
Groupin.pk through its discount portal for online shopping in Quetta will not just provide a lucrative medium to businesses to feature their products free of cost, but would also create awareness among them regarding e-commerce, and vast possible uses of information technology.
Quetta based local businesses, will surely avail new media on their own for the expansion and further growth of their businesses. Option to take offline businesses online will give a positive boost to their businesses, and will create awareness among local consumers regarding online shopping in Quetta.
Hence, Quetta too will be in a position to avail revenue generated through the online media. Online presence of businesses will increase the demand of skilled professionals for maintenance of online shopping portals.
This will increase job opportunities for the educated and skill masses of the society. Through the intelligent utilization of technology masses will bring positive and long term changes in their live on both individual and collective levels.
Technological awareness especially information technology plays an extremely important role in the economic growth of modern day societies.
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