Acquiring a green card through marriage will require you to be legally married to an American citizen.
The card is a permanent visa to the United States which gives you the status of a permanent resident.
Benefits Attributed To A Green Card A green card will give you a permanent United States resident status.
This will offer you the freedom to leave or return to the United States, enable you to seek employment and pursue your studies.
Card holders have the privilege to enjoy same rights as American citizens except the rights to voting, collection of government benefits and an assurance of protection from deportation.
Besides, acquiring a green card will not strip you of your native citizenship.
Ways of acquiring a green card Employer Sponsorship This may be the most complex and involving method and by far will depend on the goodwill of the employer.
This method consists of three steps; labor certification application which takes an approximate six months, the immigrant petition which lasts for three months and the adjustment of status which may take approximately one year.
Diversity Immigrant Lottery This method offers 50,000 green cards to online applicants each year.
The exercise, including the period of application is controlled by the American department of state.
Citizenship Through Marriage This may be defined as the most certain method of acquiring US citizenship in comparison to the earlier mentioned methods.
This process involves marrying an American citizen and having him/her sponsor you in acquiring a card and prospects of United States citizenship.
However it's important to note that United States residency is not granted automatically to foreigners who marry American citizens.
There are steps which must be undertaken before one acquires a green card through the sponsorship of his/her spouse.
Besides the application procedure, acquiring a green card through sponsorship by a spouse will be dictated by a number of factors including the immigration status of the alien at the time of the marriage and whether the marriage took place inside or outside of the United States.
The process of acquiring citizenship through marriage will require; a proof that you are legally married and complete immigration medical exam, two passport photography, a copy of birth certificate, a copy of non-immigrant visa and criminal history if applicable.
Having the above you can now fill in forms 1-130, petition for alien relative, 1-485, application for adjustment of status', and G-325A, biological information form.
If you wish to work in thee United States while waiting to receive your green card through marriage you will have to fill form 1-765.
Having filled all the above forms you will be required to attend a biometrics/fingerprinting appointment which may take place one to three months after your application.
Finally you will be required to attend an adjustment of status review interview, about 6 months to one year after filling your application.
While attending the interview remember to carry all your original documents.
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