Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

EB-5 Immigrant Visa Checklist You May Find Useful

For those who are willing to permanently settle in the United States, obtain the Green Card and the US Citizenship as soon as possible, the EB-5 Visa is the best option. This visa is an immigrant visa, but it is not easy to apply for it. The foreign nationals applying for the EB-5 Visa have to invest a minimum of $ 500,000 to a maximum of $ 1,000,000 in the US within a span of two years.

It is true that very few among the thousands of people who apply for any type of US Visa have the ability to invest such a huge amount in an expensive country like the US. This investment is always at a risk. The US does not any take responsibility to return this amount. None of the applicants can claim for the refund. In fact, if anyone tries to do this, his petition will be denied and so will his EB-5 Visa application.

There is an important EB-5 immigrant visa checklist which has to be carefully taken care of:
1) The first thing is the ability of the foreign national to invest $1,000,000 in the US. He has to show that his annual income is atleast one million dollar or more. This is the prime requirement of the EB-5 Visa. If the applicant does not qualify for this point, his visa will not be processed further.
2) The applicant must be able to make a minimum investment of $ 500,000. Along with this investment, he must also be able to give full time employment to at least 10 permanent citizens of US, directly or indirectly.
3) The applicant will also need another (around) $50,000 which will include a special attorney, medical checkup and fees of the USCIS.
4) The original birth certificate of the applicant and his family members, if any of them are also permanently shifting to the US along with him, should also be submitted. Those who cannot provide birth certificates can offer alternate evidence.
5) Another very important part in the EB-5 immigrant visa checklist is the marriage registration certificate of the applicant. If he is single, he does not have to show any document for it.
6) If the applicant has a history of criminal record or any type of police record, that must be shown. This is very vital that the applicant submits these details himself as, if later any criminals record is found during the background check, his application may be rejected.
7) A detailed documentation of all the applicant's source funds should also be shown. His bank record or his business ownership details or employment details comes under this category. If he has any ancestral property, that can also be mentioned here.

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