Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Jelly Fish Habitat - The Livings of Jelly Fish

Jelly is among one of the wonderful creatures of nature. Its unique shape and body attract eyes and heart. It unlike other fishes of the sea possesses tremendous life mechanisms and habitat. A beautiful, however; fragile creature of this world, it is found everywhere in this world except Africa and besides that region, perhaps no country and nation is there that does not visualize the sparkling beauty of this wonderful creature. A Jelly fish which has almost 5% of solid organs and rest are jelly like, possesses about 200 types or true species throughout the world.
This creature is found in great seas and oceans, from Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, from the cold to the warm seas of the world. There are no reservoirs of water that are deprived of these fish habitats. A Jelly fish can go down into the deep sea and ascend to the surface easily. Different species of Jelly fish have different habitat, and a person astonishes to see the mechanisms of Jelly fish habitats in oceans and seas. The smaller sized fish makes the sea shores, bays and harbors their habitats, where as the larger one would be found in the middle or deep sea. Some of the Jelly fishes which are smaller one make synergism with blue green algae near sea shore.
This is another amazing wonder that it is found both in salt and fresh water. As it was explained earlier that they are found everywhere, in all waters of the world except Africa and the researchers have been unable to find out the cause of this empty region from these fishes. Unlike some other water creatures, it can't survive in dirty water, polluted area and contaminated habitat. This property is possessed by all species around the world. This fact also explains the fast declining or the decay of its species around the world on account of increasing pollution and contamination. The most at risk species would be small species since their habitat is near shore rather than deep sea.
Imagine a creature without heart, brain, muscles and other important body organs, etc. This is a Jelly fish that spends a miraculous way of living. Although some of the Jelly fishes are poisonous but majority of them are harmless, scattered throughout the world in deep seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. Some authorities believe that Jelly fish's true habitat is the oceans near Australia and from there they spread throughout the world. Whatever would be the origin of Jelly fish, wherever, it would be found, a man would not remain without astonishment when he knows about such a creature like Jelly fish, which is a marvelous creation for this universe.

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