Encourage Growth and Don't Be Needy or Jealous Here's where literally ALL Long Distance Relationships fail.
When the premise of it is "keeping things the SAME between us" then it's pretty much guaranteed things won't last.
Remember that once you separate into two different worlds, just like any human being, there will be a desire to meet more people, try out new things, and just basically settle in to this new place.
So, that's exactly what you want to encourage, and not the opposite.
If you can show your partner that you actually want them to grow as a person wherever they're at, it's a true show of love and care and crushes all neediness.
Now take not that you have to do this too.
You don't want the other person having a fun time with a lot of new friends and you're just at home in Missouri moping around.
Don't be Nit Picky on Situations Guys and gals: you are in another area code, or heck in some cases another country.
You can't be imposing too many relationship rules in this case.
Learn how to be "okay" with different things.
If she forgets to call, eh...
let it go.
She was probably busy.
If she fails to send you those photos she promised at 10 pm..
let it go.
Remember that suffocation is what kills a long distance relationship.
It's all about a balance of control and letting things go.
Learn how to Foreshadow I've been in a couple long distance relationships, and I have to say this ONE move is what kept things exciting between me and her while we were apart.
Foreshadowing is a hallmark technique in our system wherein you pace her imagination into the future by painting a picture of what would happen when you see each other.
Here are some examples: "when we see each other...
we're going to go on a trip to Costa Rica, and sip on the best Mai Tai's while watching the Sun set" "the moment you finish your schooling, we're going to sky dive like what you've always wanted.
" Foreshadow every time you're on the phone, or on email, or on webcam.
Again, since you won't get to see her, might as well lead her mind and make her look forward to you and her getting together again in the future.
I had a student who did this to a very attractive woman in California, and by the end of the year, she was with him in Krakow, Poland spending Christmas as his new girlfriend, and he was even nice enough to send me a photo of them.
This is a well done example of him foreshadowing the future while they were oceans apart.
Use these three tips and you can make your Long Distance Relationship exciting, fun, and drama-free.
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