Do a search online on how to gain weight, and you'll often struggle to come up with much solid and usable content at all.
And the information you are lucky enough to uncover will usually focus on just one aspect of the 'healthy weight gain' equation.
And this is a shame.
Because in any human endeavor, there are actually 3 key areas of human experience involved.
And to focus on only one is to ignore most of the juiciest and most important information.
So, what the heck are we talking about here? And how can you use it to gain healthy weight more efficiently and effectively? Well, the 3 realms of healthy weight gain we need to pay attention to are as follows: 1) The Mental 2) The Emotional 3) The Physical And a lot of this ties into Dr.
Paul MacLean's theory and model of the "Triune Brain".
And the Triune Brain Theory simply proposes how there were 3 key phases in the evolution of the human brain.
The first, and most primitive part of the brain he calls the 'Reptilian' brain.
And this part is by far the oldest.
Its main concern is with the physical environment and personal survival.
Next in this '3-brain' model comes the 'Emotional' brain.
And - as its name implies - this is responsible for the feeling and emotional domain of human experience.
And then finally we have the development of man's neo-cortex, and his ability to think, and solve problems.
This is very much the domain of 'logic' and 'reason'.
So, you may still be asking how this all ties in to your ability to achieve healthy weight gain, right? Well, think about it.
If you want to successfully gain weight, then you need to make sure that all three of these different realms and dimensions are aligned correctly.
And, if any one of them is out of alignment, then you're unlikely to succeed at putting on weight.
For example, on a 'logical' level you may know that "it makes sense" to put on more weight and improve your personal appearance.
But if you experience any emotional resistance to taking the necessary action to gain weight, then you probably won't take it.
(Or if you do, you'll come up with creative excuses to not train sometimes, or fail to pay attention to your eating, and really slow down your progress).
Or, as another example, if you know "it makes sense" to gain muscle and healthy weight, and if you are also emotionally driven to succeed, you still won't succeed if the actions you're taking in the physical domain are inappropriate for putting on weight.
(You might be 'guessing' what to do, or following an ineffective program).
Ultimately you need all three realms of your experience - the mental, the emotional, and the physical - to be fully and correctly aligned to achieve healthy weight gain.
So be sure to keep this in mind as you strive to gain more weight.
And if you're not getting the results you want, take a moment to figure out which area of the '3 brains' is out of alignment, and what you need to do to fix it.
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