Category : Gardening : Home & Garden

How to Feed a Datura

Datura is a species of plant with many subspecies. You can grow Datura in pots or plant them directly in your garden. Proper feeding of a Datura plant is essential for the plant to produce spectacular blooms. The overall health of the plant is dependent on feeding at the proper times. Potted plants

Planting Dahlias in July

Dahlias, also called dahlia pinnata, are a flowering plant that blooms in mid to late summer and can last into fall in most regions of the United States. Proper soil preparation prior to planting is required for the successful growth of dahlia plants. Although the best time to plant dahlias is betwe

The Feng Shui of Trees

Trees are important life source and vital members of our outdoor community. Often called "the lungs of the Earth," trees take the carbon dioxide that we breathe out and return it to us as oxygen. They also prevent groundwater run-off and soil erosion. It is obvious that trees are a crucial

Western Winter Plants

Add brilliant color to your winter garden by selecting winter-hardy plants along with a variety of evergreens.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesThe word "winter" often calls to mind images of bare branches and snow-covered vistas. However, winter gardens do not need to be dull...

How to Fertilize Water Plants

One of the biggest advantages of placing water plants in a pond or lake is that they require very little care after the initial planting. Water plants obtain the majority of their nutrients from water and air. Even water plants need occasional fertilizing to supplement the existing mineral supplies.