Category : Gardening : Home & Garden

How to Grow Thai Basil

Basil comes in many varieties and can add flavor to your cooking at every meal. Thai basil, also known as Oriental basil or Asian basil, provides more of kick for cuisines that call for heavy spices, such as Indian or Thai foods. As with the other basil varieties, Thai basil is easy to care for and

Caring For Your Roses

Deciding to grow roses puts you one step closer to having a beautiful garden, but you will want to choose the species of rose you grow carefully and according to the climate you live in. Roses really aren't that hard to grow, but there are some steps you can take to make caring for your roses a

Pruning And Training

Plums should be pruned in summer to avoid silver leaf disease. Once the basic shape of the tree has been established, cherries and also plums need a very little pruning apart from the actual removal of the dead, diseased or congested growth. Sour cherry is actually produced on the 1 year old wood an