Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Remove a Clover From My Zoysia Lawn

    • 1). Mow the entire zoysia lawn to a height of 2 or 3 inches using a lawn mower. If the clover has tiny red or white flowers on it, collect the clippings in a grass catcher attached to the lawn mower. Dispose of the clippings in a trash bag to prevent spreading the clover seed.

    • 2). Fill a garden sprayer with a selective broadleaf herbicide containing MCPP, or mecoprop, as the active ingredient. Read the herbicide instructions carefully, and add in any water necessary to dilute it. Close the sprayer, and shake it gently to mix the herbicide.

    • 3). Point the sprayer at the clumps of clover, and spray them until they are saturated and the herbicide drips off of the stems and leaves.

    • 4). Continue mowing the zoysia lawn once per week to keep it at no higher than 3 inches. Examine the areas of clover for new growth, and apply another application of the herbicide if needed.

    • 5). Wait until the following December, just before the clover begins to grow, and apply a pre-emergent herbicide containing MCPP to the entire surface of the zoysia lawn. This prevents any existing clover seeds from sprouting.

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