#1: Make Feeding Time More Interesting Wild cats have to hunt for their food, which is both mentally and physically stimulating.
There are a couple of ways you can make feeding time more challenging for your cat.
My favorite way is to hide either healthy treats or spoonfuls of their dried food in various locations around a room.
I remember where I have hidden the food so that I can check afterwards and make sure that they found it all.
Once the food is hidden I let my cat in the room, and since we do this every morning, he instinctively runs in and begins to 'hunt'.
I also like to buy interactive treat and food dispensers.
Your cat has to problem-solve in order to access their meal.
My favorite one is SlimCat by PetSafe, which is a ball with holes that you fill with dried food.
As they nudge it with their paws and nose the food falls out.
It slows down their eating and provides them with both entertainment and exercise.
#2: Grooming Not only does regular grooming keep your cat's coat healthy, prevent matting and reduce the amount of hair that ends up either all over your house or as a fur-ball, it provides a chance for you and your cat to have some one-on-one bonding time.
Many cats enjoy being groomed, especially if it is done from a young age, and they enjoy the attention and pampering that comes with a brushing session.
If you and your cat have a close bond don't be surprised if they try and groom you back! #3: Playtime I recommend that you get some fishing rod type toys as they drive most cats wild.
Normally they consist of a rod with something snake-like, bird-like or mouse-like on the end, which you can make scurry across the floor or fly through the air.
Really encourage your cat to run around, release pent-up energy and pounce on their victim, so that they can express their hunter within.
#4: Cat Grass Although no one knows for sure whether cats need grass or not, it is good to let them at least have the option of eating it if they want to.
Grass contains fiber, which may help with digestion, and the roughage may help to move swallowed hair, from grooming, through their digestive tract.
Grass can also induce vomiting, which may help cats expel hairballs.
Although cats cannot digest grass, beneficial vitamins and minerals may leak from its juices.
Some cats just seem to enjoy the crunchy and sweet taste of grass! You can either buy it already grown or grow it yourself.
#5: Litter Trays Follow the '1 each, plus 1' rule, which means that every cat should have their own litter tray, and then you should also have a spare one.
Make sure the litter tray is in a quiet place, away from where they eat.
Although the litter tray should be cleaned daily, buy a spacious litter tray so that they don't have to step on old eliminations when using it.
Ideally it should also have a cover for some extra privacy.
Most cats prefer unscented and fine-grained litter.
#6: Scratching Posts As for litter trays, follow the '1 each, plus 1' rule.
Scratching is a way of cats marking their territory, using scent glands on their paws, so they should not be expected to share the same scratching post.
Since scratching is a way of marking their territory make sure that the scratching post is not tucked away in a corner somewhere as they may not use it.
Cats like to stretch when they scratch so make sure the scratching post is nice and tall.
They also like something that offers some resistance when they scratch so your post should be nice and sturdy.
You can also rub cat nip on it to peak their interest.
#7: A Variety of Resting Places You can be creative with this tip.
Cats like to be up high so build runways around the perimeter of the room, and cat shelves going up the walls.
Not only do they provide somewhere for your cat to rest, but they also make their environment more interesting.
Window perches are also fantastic as your cat can have a snooze, wake up and then partake in some bird watching.
Basically a window is a cats version of TV and it will keep them occupied for hours.
#8: Cat DVDs Yes, this is true.
You can buy DVDs that have been made for cats.
They tend to have little critters running and flying across the screen.
Some cats show no interest in DVDs, while others LOVE them! #9: Clicker Training Many cats respond really well to being taught tricks.
Not only does clicker training provide your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, training sessions also provide some one-on-one bonding time.
#10: Walking Your Cat Outdoors If your cat looks longingly out of the window and you would like to take them outdoors, but only under your supervision, then you can teach them to walk on a leash an harness.
You need to go very slowly when teaching them this new concept and the first few weeks should just be spent indoors getting your cat, first, used to just the harness, and then used to the harness with the leash.
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