- 1). Remove mold spores from the wooden paneling by vacuuming the surface with an upholstery attachment. Move the vacuum hose up and down over the paneling, ensuring you vacuum in any grooves or textured areas of the wood. Throw away the vacuum bag once you're finished so mold spores aren't spread elsewhere.
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Bleach is an effective mold killer and stain remover.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Combine 2 qts. of hot water with 1 cup of chlorine bleach and 1 tsp. of dishwashing liquid. Stir the ingredients together with a paint stirrer. - 3). Wear rubber gloves so your hands don't become dry from the bleach solution.
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You can scrub hard with a sponge without scratching wood.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Soak a sponge in the detergent and bleach solution. Wring out the excess moisture. Scrub the surface of the wooden paneling to kill remaining mold spores and remove mold stains and odors. Rinse the sponge frequently throughout the cleaning process. - 5). Wipe the wooden paneling with a damp cloth to rinse the wood. Dry with another cloth. Allow the paneling to dry for a few hours.
- 6). Spray the wooden paneling with a commercial disinfectant spray to ensure tiny mold spores living in textured areas or seams in the wood are exterminated.
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