- Ultrasonic pest control devices have been marketed as nonchemical control devices for pests such as birds, bats, rodents, fleas, cockroaches, silverfish and spiders. Manufacturers claim that these devices emit sounds above a frequency range humans can hear but that is intended to irritate pests into leaving your home and never coming back. The devices are either battery-powered or plug into an electrical outlet, and can range in price from $7 to $700 as of June 2011.
- The extension offices of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Washington State University both caution consumers against purchasing these devices, particularly in the case of indoor mouse control and prevention. Citing supportive research conducted elsewhere, the scholars note that humans and rodents both hear almost the same frequencies, so if a sound is inaudible to a human ear, it is likely inaudible to a rodent's ear as well. The frequencies these devices emit seem to offer little to no mouse control.
- These devices were shown to be so ineffective that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) accused several manufacturers of these devices of false advertising and required the manufacturers to refund the purchase costs of their products to consumers. The FTC concluded that "many of the advertisements make explicit claims about the products' ability to eliminate rodents or repel insects," claims that "must be supported by scientific evidence."
- Ultrasonic devices are all the more unnecessary considering that mouse control can be achieved using some very basic methods. Seal any cracks or crevices that are large enough for a mouse to fit through and thus serve as an entrance from the outside into your home. Keep grass mowed close, and eliminate large weeds and overgrown grass near the house, since mice will frequent these areas. Should mice move indoors, use mousetraps or glue boards to eliminate them.
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