Renting college textbooks or recycling old books is a unique way to go green because the manufacturing and delivery process of new books is energy inefficient and wasteful.
Not to mention, by renting books instead of buying brand new ones every semester, you can really save a lot of money.
Renting instead of buying also has a tremendously positive effect on the environment.
Go Green, Rent Textbooks Each year, 20 million trees are cut down for books, and 4 million of those trees are for textbooks alone.
This statistic is staggering when you consider the amount of old and unused books that we all have lying around our homes.
Recycling the books would be a good eco-friendly solution, as would donating them to some sort of thrift store or library.
Perhaps the best way to fix the problem from the onset would be to rent the books because that way when you are done with them, somebody else will be able to use them.
This would end the cycle of waste because a rented book is one less unused book lying around your house.
With regards to college textbooks, every college student and parent is well aware of how ridiculously expensive they can be.
The really frustrating thing is that when you try to sell them back at the end of the semester, you only get a fraction of what you paid in the first place.
Buying university books is clearly a lose-lose proposition.
Therefore, renting the books would not only help save the environment, it would help you save a lot of money.
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