Buying and selling is an important part of any trading and marketing system and without market, no society can sustain and grow. However, there are certain rules laid down by the system itself so that both the consumer and the supplier gain something. Many times though, there are lapses in services from the supplier or the service provider. In such circumstances, it becomes imperative that steps are taken to ensure justice is done.
Justice to consumers
Consumer forum is one such non-profit quasi-judicial organization that ensures that the consumers are never taken for granted and get what is their due right. Such forums have been formed by the government in all the regions of India and follow the rules as laid down by the Consumer Protection Act 1983. A consumer forum works for the consumers and resolve their grievances.
It has the right to penalize and if need arise punish the supplier or the service provider if found guilty. Many suppliers commit fraud by selling faulty products and never agree to repair or replace them, as is the regular practice. The forum officials ensure that the consumer either is provided with the new product or is returned the money back along with the penalty for harassment and providing deficient services.
Steps for approaching the forum
The formalities for lodging a complaint at the consumer forum have been kept very simple. The basic intention behind keeping the process simple is that the consumer sector comprise of all the Indians spread throughout the country. Each person speaks different language and some may not possess the ability to understand the legal nuances and formalities.
That is why; the process has been kept so simple that even a person with normal level of intelligence and consumer awareness can approach the consumer forum and file his complaint.
What do you need to file a complaint?
Earlier when the consumer had no special platform for lodging, his complaint he had to go to the regular court. The procedures for filing the complaint at the court are complicated and you definitely need a lawyer to represent you. Moreover, the documents needed and the expenses make the whole process quite difficult to handle for a common person.
On the other hand, when it comes to filing a complaint at the consumer forum all you have to do is write an application describing your complaint in detail on a piece of paper and duly sign it. If you are confident, you can handle all the things related to the case on your own without hiring the advocate. Along with the application, you are expected to attach cash memo or the receipt of purchase with date of purchase, product name, and brand written on it.
It is also important that you attach a copy of the agreement or contract in case the compliant is regarding some insurance or real estate lapses.
A consumer should keep in mind that the compliant application should also come attached with the notice he had sent to the supplier or the service provider about the lapses.
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