Health & Medical Body building

Hardgainers - Discover 2 Explosive Methods to Pack on the Pounds

So you're a hardgainer and you're tired of not putting on any muscle mass?  You've been working hard but you're just not seeing the gains you expected? I know what's it like.
You put in the hard work, you put all you can into those last few reps yet you're still small and scrawny.
I can identify with being small.
In high school, all the typical jock guys always made fun of me when I was in the gym.
When I started going to a gym after high school, I always wondered how so many guys could get so big and ripped.
I kept putting in hard work day after day and kept eating as many natural and healthy foods as possible.
But I still didn't see any real gains in mass and strength.
I just rationalized it away by saying to myself, "Those guys are just juicing anyways.
You can't get that big without cheating.
" But somehow I knew that wasn't really the answer.
Finally I just got so sick of putting in such hard, long hours and got fed up with all.
Does this sound familiar? Well there's awesome news; you can get incredibly buff but only as long as you're taking the right steps to insure success.
Now these tips won't make you look like Arnold in a week, but they will set you on the right track so you start training the right way and getting good results.
) Eat more calories.
If you're eating a lot of calories, it doesn't matter.
Eat a lot more.
Your muscles need an incredible amount of calories to make gains in size and strength.
For a quick guesstimate of where you need to be, multiply your body weight by 24-28.
So 150lb person needs to eat 3600-4200 calories every day to put on muscle mass.
) Do the big lifts.
To many guys focus on abs, arms, etc.
If you want to put on mass, you need to give your body a reason to do so.
Lifts like the dead lift, squat and bench all recruit an incredible amount of muscles and lifting heavy causes your body to build mass.
Bonus Tip: Cut your workout times but increase intensity.
So many guys (like myself) that try to put on mass always say "I'm in the gym like 6 days a week for 2 hours at a time.
If you do this, you'll only exhaust your muscles and burn to many calories.
What this does is rob your muscles' ability to recover and grow stronger.
Shoot for no more than 45 minutes of very intense and heavy lifting every time you go.

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