Erectile Dysfunction can happen to anybody. One need not feel guilty or embarrassed about it. In fact the guilt feeling and the additional pressure that one takes can only add to the problem further. it is not an uncommon disorder that one starts questioning "why me?". Instead what one needs to think about is" what is that I have to do now?"
It has been noticed that many men ignore the disorder as their ego stops them from accept but this doesn't help. Some men when they realize that when they are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, they tend to be disturbed psychologically and stay aloof. They start maintain distance from their partner and are hesitant to discuss the problem with them.
All this doesn't work. What you need to do is to consult the doctor and execute his advice. He may understand the cause and prescribe you medications that can aid you to lead a healthy sexual life once again.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction:
It is the inability to create or maintain an erection. It is the inability or have a hard erection.
The causes can be many including:
The nerves and the blood vessels are damaged due to Diabetes and this can lead to soft erection or no erection at times.
High blood pressure:
High blood pressure or hypertension can lead to ED as it damages the blood vessels again. It has been seen that men suffering from high blood pressure usually suffer from Erectile Dysfunction.
High levels of cholesterol in the body can restrict the level of blood flow to the male sexual organ. This decreased flow of blood to the penis can cause ED.
Lifestyle problems:
Heavy smoking and drinking has affected the physical health and in the long run can lead to erectile dysfunction. Erratic sleep can also affect one.
Nerve diseases:
ED is not only a physical disorder but also a mental disorder. It is when the signals of the brain and not encoded or decoded in the right way immediately. In case of these nerve disorders, it becomes difficult to follow the signals of the brain.
Any previous surgery in the pelvic area can harm the blood vessels and indirectly lead to erectile Dysfunction.
Too much of masturbation:
Though masturbation does not have any adverse effects in general, too much of masturbation against any other hard surface can lead to the damage of the weak tissues in the male sex organ.
One must visit he doctor and refer to his prescription. It is necessary to follow his advice appropriately. He may advise you to have an intake to the anti-impotence pills like Viagra and others.
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