Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Technology Helps to Diagnose Prostate Cancer

If you are a male and you suspect or have any prostate issues, you should consult with your physician to get an evaluation as soon as possible. Early prevention is one of the key steps in healing prostate cancer. You do not want to wait until your next yearly prostate examination. You also should discuss with your doctor about making a prostate examination a part of your yearly physical.

There is some new technology that helps to diagnose and treat prostate cancer. One of these new forms of technology is called MRIS (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy). This technology holds great promise in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

A good portion of men over the age of 40 that do not have any prostrate related symptoms, will discover prostrate problems by taking a PSA test. A PSA test is a simple blood test that is normally given during a yearly physical to men over the age of 40. You doctor will take the results of this test and some other factors and then determine if further analysis is required by a urologist. Your urologist will likely conduct a biopsy to see if cancer cells are present.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy (MRIS) is an alternative to the biopsy procedure to use in cases of suspected prostrate cancer. This article is to provide you an option that you can discuss with your doctor. You should do whatever you doctor thinks is best for your specific situation. Possible candidates for the MRIS:

Men who would like to avoid a biopsy procedure.

Individuals that wish to diagnose certain prostrate cancers that cannot be discovered with a digital rectal exam or biopsy

Men with a persistently elevated PSA

Individuals that have already had a biopsy in the past and want to improve the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis.

Individuals that would like to further investigate a prostrate problem when a biopsy is positive.

Doctors that would like to use fewer biopsy procedures..

Men who have a rising PSA following various standard treatments for prostate cancer.

This is just a few of the individuals that could potentially benefit from MRIS technology. It can be used for many different reasons and other types of individuals. Here some things that a MRIS may able to do are:

Provide improved treatment strategies

Replaces random blind biopsies while evaluating the entire prostate.

Confirm lack of aggressiveness when prostate cancer is detected.

Confirm the absence of cancer following successful treatment.

Detect prostate cancer that is missed on biopsy.

Confirm organ confinement when cancer is diagnosed, enhancing treatment options.

Some researchers have called MRIS one of the greatest diagnostic tests available today for the detection of prostate cancer. It will be a matter of time before we will know how much of  benefit this technology is and how to use it to its full potential. The good thing for you as a patient though is that it gives you an option to discuss with your doctor when dealing with prostate cancer. As patients we must keep abreast of the latest treatments and stay informed so that all treatment options are considered. Staying informed is especially important when "new" technology such as MRIS may make have a profound impact on our health.

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