The new office allows the user to respond even quicker when he's away from his desk.
The web applications are supporting all the applications of Microsoft; the user can edit anything he wants from a browser.
The formatting you make is stored.
The Web applications are hosted in a location but running on SharePoint, which allows such distant formatting to be made.
The SharePoint Workspace coordinates all data and synchronizes them every time you go online.
This way you have no threat of losing your data.
You are updated, your data is in order and you can travel with all your work.
All your documents can be accessed from your smart phones, bearing in mind your set supports the software.
Alongside staying in touch through emails you can also work on your documents, while you're on the go.
Infuse Innovation into Life The PowerPivot allows you to play around with data in millions of rows and arrive to a decision much quicker.
Sparklines help save real estate by placing all the data in a single box.
The new features of Excel 2010 make it more interesting for the user.
PowerPoint 2010 creates excellent presentations which breaks you away from the clutter.
The video and photo options such as brightening or dimming or adding effects, make editing very easy.
Digital content can be created with PowerPoint which makes you feel like a real director.
MS Office Backstage? feature allows easy access to commands such as opening a document, saving or printing.
This feature can be spread across your work place so that every one is updated with the work and can delver results faster.
Collaborate without Compromising A lot of new features have been added to MS Outlook which makes its usage very simple.
The "conversation view", "clean up" and "ignore" features remove already added information.
Tips pop up so that you can recheck you message so as to ensure your privacy and to prevent yourself from getting embarrassed.
Alerts by the IT are generated when recipients are those beyond your workplace.
Things can be accomplished using all the Microsoft applications without having all the users in the same room.
The work is shared through the software and every colleague is updated through the web application.
You can broadcast your presentations almost instantly.
The invitation along with the link is sent and the recipients can then follow instructions from there and view the presentation.
One can have a "people-centric" view using this software.
You can connect to social networks and connect with those outside your job.
The IT professionals control and restrict what should be visible to you and what not.
Feasible Project for IT A new defense system also exists with the new Office.
The "Trusted Documents" and "Protective View" control your privacy Documents are scanned for issues that can affect users and that can harm businesses with errors.
The policy, Retention Policy, is a tool which helps the user archive.
This gives the users more leverage to work easily.
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