Cisco CCNA 640-822 test main focus is to produce expert network engineers for the world. Therefore the test is designed severe sufficient to sift out inept technicians. Candidates must pass this test so as to be qualified for the CCNA certifications. The test covers a various topics to test out the skills of the candidate. Let us have a peek at what it takes to pass the 640-822 exams.
Course Covered:
- Fundamentals of Switching & Routing
- Working knowledge on OSI & TCP/IP
- Networks such as VLANs
- Frame Relay and WAN connections
- IP addressing
- N/W security
To one side from these, the 640-822 exams also cover numerous other topics. So it is significant that the candidates increase their information and skills in the following areas before appear for the exams.
The candidates should have a abstract as well as realistic knowledge of the a variety of network devices. They should too be aware of: web applications, the components needed for particular networks, networking, TCP/IP models, OSI models and protocols.
Other stuffs to be acquainted with include:
- Troubleshooting of common network problems,
- Traffic management and network segmentation,
- Network diagrams,
- Verification of network status,
- The use of utilities like ping, telnet, SSH, traceroute, ipconfig, debugging Commands, NAT and its uses,
- CLI basics
- Routing concepts,
- Security and security applications,
- Wireless networks, and a
- Good acquaintance with VLANs, VTP, LAN, WAN, RSTP, VLSM etc.
As the course outline appears quite vast, it is better to get help from someone who has already passed this test. Or you can also go for e-learning programs offered on the web that comes with exam simulation. Captivating part in such training courses allow you to be one step ahead of the thousands prepare for this exam. All the best!
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