Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

The Criteria Used To Decide The Translation Fidelity Varies Depending On The Topic

Translation is an activity in which the text in one language interpretation - original text - and the production, in another language, a new, equivalent text - the target text, or in writing.

Traditionally, translation of human activity, although attempts were made to automate and computerize the translation of natural language texts - machine translation - or to use the computer as an aid to translation machine translation.

Translation goal is to build an equivalence relationship between the source and target texts (that is, to ensure that the two texts of the same message) intentions, and subject to certain limitations. Such restrictions must include context, the two languages, their writing conventions, their expressions, and so on grammar rules.

Translation process, whether it be a translation or interpretation, can only be described as:

Decoding the original meaning of the text, and
Re-encoding this meaning in the target language.

Decipher the meaning of the text interpreter must first establish an integral part of the translation units, ie the people to be treated as a cognitive unit of text segments. Translation device can be a word, phrase, or even one or more sentences. Behind this seemingly simple procedure is a complex cognitive operation. To decipher the meaning of the source text, the translator has deliberately and systematically interpret and analyze all of their functions. This process requires a thorough knowledge of grammar, semantics, syntax, idioms of the original language, for example, as well as their own language and culture.

Translation satisfy the first criterion is said to be "faithful translation of a translation to meet the second criterion is said to be" idiomatic translation. "The two are not necessarily exclusive.

The criteria used to judge the translation fidelity vary depending on the theme, original content, text, type, operation and use of the literary qualities of social or historical context, and so accuracy.

The criteria address translation transparency seems simple: unidiomatic translation "sounds" wrong, and in extreme cases, when the number of machine translation systems generated by word translation of words that often appear on the patent nonsense with only a humorous value.

However, under certain circumstances, a translator may consciously seek to produce a literal translation. For example, literary translators and interpreters of religious works often connect to the source text as possible. To do this, they deliberately "stretch the limits of the target language to produce unidiomatic text. In addition, literary translator may wish to adopt words or expressions in the original language of "local color" translation.

Fidelity and looked at the concept of transparency in other recent translation theories. The idea is that acceptable translations can be creative and original as your original text is gaining momentum in some quarters.

Many non-transparent translation theories draw German Romanticism concepts, the most obvious INFLUENCE Latter-day theories of the German theologian and philosopher Friedrich turning foreignization. In his main lecture "on a different translation methods" (1813) he distinguished between translation methods that move "the writer toward the reader]", ie transparency, and those that move "the reader toward [the author]", ie, taking into account the foreignness of the source text. Turning explicitly argued for the latter. It is worth noting taciau that his preference was motivated not by the desire to take over the foreign, but was rather intended as a nationalist practice opposers French cultural domination and to promote German literature.

Fidelity and the concept of transparency remains a strong Western tradition, however. They are not necessarily as common in non-Western traditions. For example, the Indian epic Ramayana has many versions in many Indian languages ??and history. Everyone is different from each other. If one looks at the use of words translated into Indian (or Dravidian or Aryan) language fluently, interpreters of the webmaster.
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