Although most Americans have seen media depictions of Africa is a land of suffering, instability and economic failure, Africa is huge continent-about two and half times the size of America, rich in natural mineral resources and underdeveloped market opportunities.
Many African countries have begun opting for selective American styles of tackling political, economic and social problems. This lifestyle changes has created vast African market opportunities for anyone with quality products and services.
So far, American companies have not seen reasons to aggressively campaign for markets in Africa. This can most likely be attributed to their unfamiliarity with the African marketplace. It is Africas responsibility to promote her markets. In the new world order, instead of waiting for handouts from the West, Africa has to start promoting herself in earnest, a move that will undoubtedly create opportunities for her citizens.
I am an Atlanta, Georgia based consultant that understands the African plight and I also in tune with the American business tendencies.
Africa is the most profitable international market in the world, not because of its size, but because of unprecedented customer loyalty. I have preached this reasoning to Americans companies for years. Those who believed me, like everyone else attempting to trade in Africa, face an uphill climb in sorting through the continents varying market strategies. Still, I argue that lack of competition and Africas demand for western products, almost always makes earnest efforts highly profitable.
In my other writings on Africa, on local radio and television, I have pointed out some of the dos and donts of doing business in Africa, while being careful not to give the impression that establishing a business relationship in Africa is easy.
In Africa, contacts and cultural knowledge clears paths to export markets. Beyond all else, I understand this, I can anticipate and overcome culture, tradition, and life-style and business-style that could otherwise sabotage an African export transaction. In started consulting company to create and endorse America companies interested in exporting to Africa. I wanted to bridge the gap between real and perceived realities of doing business in Africa.
Selling the idea of Africa as a viable, valuable customer to manufacturers, chambers and all other international organizations has been my mission. I applaud your awareness and efforts in this area and would like very much being part of your experience.
My understanding of the natives, skills cultural know-how, personal interest and enthusiasm uniquely position me to help promote your products and services in Africa. The African marketplace is no place to go alone.
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