What's with graphic facilitation that I find so interesting? Well simple...
I find it is a very effective tool of communication within a group.
That is why I am truly convinced that you should take the time and effort to understand the genuine influence of facilitating graphics to involve yourself in a fresh method of communication.
Perhaps like me, you already find the traditional process of group meeting facilitation routinely and boring.
The conventional types of facilitation usually focus on the speaker only which often can be daunting and less effective.
But in graphic facilitation, it's the other way around.
The audience talks, while the facilitator maps everything that is discussed within the group.
Putting the facilitation of graphic into a simpler analysis - it refers to product and process.
It turns extremely influential as it concentrates the crowd as they function, securing focus through organizing and catching their ideas.
Graphic facilitators possessed four skills namely listening, thinking, organizing, and drawing.
Each of the skills is essential so lack of any can disqualify you to become one.
It is important to listen to the group being an outsider, collecting insights and details which are all scrutinized and intellectually obtained.
The way you think about the details and information is vital in facilitating a group, establishing what is to be included in the graphic recording.
Next, organizing the talks and conversations, providing a formation through intellectual thinking and useful aptitudes is also important in making a complete and integrated image.
The drawing of symbols and images to design narratives and persuasion to the emotional and visual portions of the brain as you add more formation through groupings, color, and arrows is also important.
When given a chance to participate in a discussion that uses graphic facilitation, I challenge you to observe how the graphic facilitator maximizes the thinking in the sessions.
This person can assist you in literally illustrating your superior thinking, so you and your audience recognize what you are actually suggesting.
I personally find this scheme amusing as it can be used as an effective tool to different activities.
Once you use it on your events, you will see your ideas take form.
Basically, the outputs are most resonant among spatial, systematic, and visual thinkers.
However, it is also a useful tool of identification for everyone.
Once the event is completed, the map then turns out to be a document - a proof of progress of the meeting as well as its direction.
This beneficial map can be a very useful tool since audiences can see its making in connection to its experience.
Graphic facilitation leads to a mere consumption of images and words to make a conceptual conversational map.
As you can see, images are mostly conveyed subjectively and emotional.
Many audiences can easily recognize or recall their memorable experiences.
Graphic facilitation is definitely a prominent approach of mapping conversations in numerous industries like education, medical, biotechnology, consulting, insurance, food, transportation, technology, pharmaceutical, and retail.
Maximize the use of graphic facilitation so you can increase your focus and clarity of your work.
Remember that when you draw gathered wisdom from many relevant people, you also create better and further thought out decisions.
And when you use graphic facilitation you create a memory device that holds all this information on the one page!
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