Everybody appreciates a good body.
We also know that we don't like seeing belly fat, much less carry one around.
We don't like the way it jiggles when people walk.
We don't like to look pregnant when we are not.
We don't like the way it falls below the waist.
We just don't want any of it.
So how do we remove them? Many exercise companies have invented products like the Ab Circle Pro and the Ab Rocket which were supposedly designed against belly fat.
The truth is they don't work that much.
They are designed for spot therapy.
This just does not work.
In the end if you bought those exercise machines they may just gather up dust or worse, get sold to another unsuspecting customer.
Here is the answer to losing belly fat fast.
As mentioned above, spot reduction of fat is impossible without surgery.
Ab machines and crunches might have some minimal effect, but there are exercises which have greater effects to losing belly fat.
So what are these exercises? Basically, every cardio exercise ever invented can reduce that waist line.
The secret to such successful exercises is the way they increase the heart rate.
This increases your metabolism which causes your body to burn up more fat.
Some exercises work better than others, but this is because they just let the heart work harder.
Another secret is that everyone has 6 pack abs.
For most people, they are just covered by belly fat.
So hit the gym and ask your trainer to give you a cardio exercise that would surely pump your heart up.
Be sure to consult your doctor before you try vigorous exercises.
If you have a heart condition, it may be dangerous for you.
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