Health & Medical Nutrition

Is Your Food Talking to You?

We have conversations every day - with family, friends, employers, strangers - even with ourselves - at least I admit I do.
There is a conversation that goes on daily of which you may be totally unaware.
Research proves that food is a metabolic messenger providing specific information to your genes.
Foods can actually communicate with your genes, turning off those that are destructive and inflammation-producing and turning on those that protect your health.
Your food is actually talking to you at the genetic level! We know food is more than simply calories you take in to satisfy physical hunger.
It is the fuel that provides nutrients for our bodies.
We are just beginning to learn how critical good nutrition and lifestyle habits truly are.
God has given us fresh, natural, whole foods to nourish our bodies and science is revealing how foods can trigger genes to send either messages of health or disease.
Simple diet and lifestyle changes can trigger those health-promoting genes and actually reprogram our bodies at the genetic level.
This may sound too good to be true, but, honestly it's not! This new branch of science, 'nutrigenomics,' is defined by dictionary.
com as: "the study of food and diet and how each interacts with specific genes to increase the risk of certain diseases.
" The good news is we are not doomed by our genes! The results of making positive diet and lifestyle changes can be seen very rapidly.
Actually, in as little as three months, we can trigger health-promoting genes by making careful food and lifestyle choices.
Replacing certain foods, exercising regularly and managing stress effectively are powerful choices within your control that have far-reaching health benefits.
Functional and so-called superfoods like acai, blueberries, flax, chia seeds and grapes contain powerful biochemical language your body understands.
For example, grapes, particularly red ones, contain the powerful phytochemical, resveratrol, found in the skin and seeds, and ellagic acid, an antioxidant.
According to the latest research from the American Institute for Cancer Research, resveratrol may be able to prevent, reverse or slow down cell genetic mutations responsible for cancer.
Ellagic acid is believed to scavenge the cancer-causing substances in the body.
The first step is to be aware of the choices you make daily.
Then listen - your food is talking to you.

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