So you have built your website.
It looks fantastic.
Its your pride and joy.
It is your aim to get out of an every day job you hate and become free.
You need traffic to your website.
That is the bottom line.
No website, no matter how well constructed, how easy to navigate, how professionally set for monetization, will bring in a single penny without traffic.
There are plenty of pretty shabby looking sites that bring in regular income for their owners that far superior looking sites only dream of.
So how can you get this magic ingredient? Well.
Yes, you need to perform key word research.
Yes, you need on page optimization.
Yes, you need to back link where ever possible.
But there is another method.
Web site advertising.
There are many sites that will offer to post links for you to many different sites etc.
Avoid these, they are link farms and will do nothing but get you into search engines bad books in the long run.
You need to consider real advertising sites.
An advertising website will offer various products, services, and also guidelines.
Guidelines are important because it means that the site is organized and avoiding the world of spam or allowing sites that you don't want to be associated with into the same list or category as you.
You should value your sites reputation, because without it, it is doomed, no matter how much traffic it gets.
So why use an advertising website? Simple.
Most advertising websites receive very large amounts of traffic, usually in the millions per month.
There are sites that allow you to back link to your site, which is never a bad thing.
Some sites are so respected by search engines that their/your ads actually get indexed in the search results so the chance of organic search engine traffic is also available.
Advertising your site professionally gives your site and business or product an air of respectability, far more than posting on a message board or forum will ever achieve.
When you choose to advertise your website you must choose a reputable site and it must be cost effective.
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