Travel & Places Air Travel

Tips For Touch and Go For Private Pilots - ATP Flight School

Any course that any individual is taking that is involving any type of training it has its own jargon.
When it comes to private pilot one of the most favored terms that is used is touch and go.
This is something that is heard repeatedly in the beginning perhaps, and the student pilot doesn't realize the importance of it.
It's ironic to think that many of the thoughts that cross a students mind when they are first join the pilot program is that when it comes to landing they just figure that once they arrive at the airport whichever runway happens to be free is the one that they can land.
This is not the way it works and the student pilot soon finds out that he will be told where to land.
The information that this is based on is in what direction that the wind is coming from.
Pilots will be taught that they must go towards the wind and that they have to keep as consistent of a straight line as possible when landing.
They also have to consider that they're not in the air alone that there are other planes up there with them and this is usually around the 10,000 feet mar.
There are times when the pilots will be given alternate instructions to what they are to use to as far as their pattern.
There are several patterns when it comes to flying and each of these must be learned and must be followed whenever instructed to do so.
The first one is if you are told to go straight out from the one runway you are in the up wind.
You may be told that you have to fly into the cross wind.
Third is what is called at the downwind.
This is where the wind will be behind you but the fourth is the base this is where you go to see those numbers that are painted on the runway are going to be really important to you.
And finally the last stage is number five this means that landing is eminent.
The five areas that we just talked about is what the pattern of flying is all about.
You will certainly learn to appreciate the control tower who will normally give you your flying pattern instructions.
However there will be times that you will be doing this on your own.
As there will be no support service for this, this is why it's really important that you understand and know these patterns.
While you will still have to announce though what position you are in and the pattern you're going to be using because as we said you are not up there flying alone so you must know how to operate your radio and the proper terminology and what information must be relayed The first time that you go to do this you may become a little tongue-tied but you need to get your head on straight and make sure that all of the information you are giving is total and accurate

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