Fracture is defined as loss of continuity of bone
Symbol of fracture [#]
The classification is based on many factors
1. According to plane of fracture surface
Transverse # :the plane of fracture is perpendicular to long axis of bone
Spiral #: the fracture is spiral and it is mainly due to horizontal stress
Comminuted #: the fracture bone is decreased either length wise or bredth wise. Results from compression force.
2. In relation to external environment:
Simple or closed #: the fracture surface does not communicate with exterior through skin and mucous memberanes
Open or compound #: communicate with exterior through skin and mucous memberanes. This occurs in two ways.
1. trauma called as external coumpound fracture
2. When the sharp end of # fragment penetrates through overlying soft tissues & skin it is called as internal compound #
3. According to cause of fracture:
Traumatic # : when fracture occurs due to direct or indirect violence
Pathological or spontaneous #: here the fracture occurs to a diseased bone followed by a slightest injury
Stress or fatigue fracture
4. According to number of fractures:
Single: only one fracture segment is present at a single site
Multiple: many fractures occurs at multiple sites in the body
5. Fracture may be:
Complete #: in this whole thickness of bone is disconnected
a) impacted: fragments get impacted into other either straight or angular
b) non impacted: # fragments remain separate 1. Un displaced #
2. Displaced #
Incomplete #: the fracture does not involve whole breadth of the shaft
Local examinations:
Inspection: abnormal swelling & deformity due to displaced fractures segments
Attitude: patients adopt particulars attitudes which are very diagnostic. Shortening of the limb.
1. local bony tenderness is a valuable sign of fracture
2. bony irregularity when the whole length of the injured bone is palpated
3. abnormal movements is a definite sign of fracture
4. crepitus is a sensation which may be felt or heard when the bone ends are moved against each other
5. pain is elicited
6. absence of transmitted movements
7. swelling
8. shortening of limb
9. restricted movements
10. stiffness of joints
General examination:
1. Evidence of shock is to be looked
2. in pathological # age of patient must be asked for
Special investigations:
Xray of anterio-posterior and lateral views
Complications of fractures:
1. non union
2. mal union
3. delayed union
4. shock
5. crush syndrome
6. venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolisam
7. tetanus
8. fat emboli
Homeopathic approach.:
A definet surgery is needed to correct the fracture, after the defect is corrected the role of homeopathy comes. It quickens the healing, reduces the side effects, increases the power of body to self rejuvenate the devitalized site, can also be used as an antiseptic to avoid infections in case of open fractures
1. First medicine for any trauma or wound resulting in fracture.
2. Reduces bleeding, bruising, pain and trauma
3. If patient experiences Sore, bruised feelings in the muscles as if beaten and bluish-black discoloration under the skin
4. Compound fractures that bleed
5. Worse: Touch, Lying on hard surfaces, Motion
6. Better: Lying down, especially with the head low
Calcarea Phosphorica (Calcium phosphate)
1. Fractures which do not heal well after a long time
2. Stimulates the bone ends to unite
3. Aching and soreness in bones and joints, especially when the area feels cold and numb.
4. Encourages repair and strengthening
5. Worse from cold, damp, especially melting snow
6 BetterWarm, dry weatherLying down
Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Boneset)
1. Sore and bruised, like their bones are broken
2. Very restless, but they would rather keep still because it hurts to move
3. Deep aching in the bones
4. Worse: Cold air, Sight or smell of food
5. Better: Conversation, Perspiration
6. Strong thirst for cold drinks
7. Desires cold foods and ice cream
1. The main medicine to think of for fractures, to use after the bruise soreness has resolved with Arnica
2. Stimulates union of the bone ends and should not be used until the bone is set properly
3. Fractures which are slow to heal
4. Used if Pains persist long after the injury
5. Phantom limb pain after amputation
6. Sensation of the rough end of bones jagging into the flesh
7. Aftereffects of fractures and injuries to the periosteum, the outermost covering of the bone
1. Help to bring relief if excruciating pain results from even the slightest motion.
2. The person usually wants to remain completely still and not be touched..
1. crushed injuries to body areas that are well-supplied with nerves.
2. If smashed fingertips or toes etc
Ruta graveolens:
1. This is known for its effect on bone-bruises and on injuries to the periosteum
2. When the pain around a fracture is extreme, and the person feels lame or weak.
3. Helpful in many cases when pain persists after treatment with Arnica.
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