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Why Carry a VHF Radio on Board

Many people go out onto the water each year and the majority have a great time with no mishaps.
However, there are occasions when you may need to summon assistance and whilst most people now carry a mobile phone, the RNLIdo not recommend their use to be relied upon for safety by boat users.
Imagine the situation where you are out and your engine fails (and if you're sailing there is no wind), the tide is at full strength and you are rapidly being carried backwards.
What do you do? You may have your mobile phone with you but who do you call? or what happens if you can't get a signal (you may be in the shadow of a cliff or out of range) or you forgot to top your credits up? If you have a VHF radio fitted you can call for assistance.
The coastguard and all other boats within range fitted with a VHF radio should hear your call.
If you called on a mobile phone, only one person will hear about your situation and they may not know what to do.
Additionally if you don't know your exact position a call made on a VHF radio can be located by the coastguard using direction finding equipment.
They cannot do this from a mobile phone signal.
If you fit a VHF radio or have a handheld VHF then you need to obtain the following: 1.
A ships Radio Licence - free of charge if completed online 2.
A short range certificate - obtained by attending a one day RYA VHF/SRC Radio course

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