Whenever you are washing your colored garments, the dye tends to fade.
Your favourite colored clothes might not look quite as vibrant and as attractive after a few washes.
But you can prevent this from happening.
There are a few washing and drying techniques that you have to follow in order to prolong the vibrant color of your clothes.
Here are some of them: 1.
If you just bought clothes with jewel tones or very vibrant colors, soak them first in water mixed with a dye-setting solution.
This will prevent your new garments from running or bleeding.
The setting solution depends on what type of dye was used for your clothes.
More often than not, vinegar will work in setting the dye.
Just soak your garments in a solution of vinegar and water before washing it in the washing machine.
Before washing your clothes, turn them inside and out first.
This will prevent the outer portion of your garments from fading easily.
Furthermore, this will make it easier for the machine to clean the inside portion of your garments and to get rid of deodorant residues or sweat.
When drying, keep it turned inside and out.
If you are hanging your clothes to dry, make sure you place your garments in a place that is not directly hit by the sun.
This will make your clothes stiff and will also speed up the loss of color.
Use just the right amount of detergent.
If you are using a front load washing machine, a little bit of detergent goes a long way.
It will already work in keeping your clothes clean and it will work in getting rid of minimal stains.
The use of too much detergent might cause sudsing.
This will prevent the machine from completely washing off the detergent residues.
When detergent residues cling on your clothes, this will cause the loss of color.
Never use bleach to remove stains.
If there are stains, soak them in a stain remover for colored garments and not in bleach.
Bleach works better in cleaning white clothes.
On the other hand, there are now bleach solutions that are specifically produced for colored clothes.
You can try buying those products.
An oxy-clean solution should be a good choice.
Make sure you use just a little bit of the product.
Only use it on the affected area.
Avoid using very high water temperature.
It damages the fabric of your clothes and also removes the dye of your garments.
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