Business & Finance Home Based Business

Make money from your old dusty websites

I spent the last few days going through my websites and doing a bit of 'cyber-housekeeping'.

I came to the conclusion that I have a hell of a lot of websites.

Apart from the ones you've probably come across I also have non-Internet Marketing websites, niche sites and a couple of specialist sites that generate income in ways that don't involve selling (clever eh?).

Some of the above sites are big earners; some OK and others generate income for me in a gentle trickle. That's just fine with me - you know from my writing that I firmly believe that ALL income streams, no matter how small, are important.

The sites I was most interested in were those that hadn't generated any income in six months or more. Purely because I hadn't the time to promote the webpages and they'd faded into obscurity.

If you publish your website then just let it sit there, it'll do OK for a while then sales will drop off until you push it back into the public eye by blogging, posting, JV's etc etc.

So I realised I had at least four very good products that were sat doing nothing simply because I'd been promoting my other sites (and having another extended holiday in France, and drinking wine and gardening etc).

So what to do about it?

Two of the sites were non-IM related, both of which had brought me in excess of 25,000 when they were first launched, so it seemed a little silly to leave them alone when they could do the same again.

The first product was a couple of years old and was related to a profession where information moves forward quite rapidly. Whereas an IM book can contain valid info for years, this particular product could do with an update.

So I spent a week researching and updating the original product. I really enjoyed doing it and when it was ready it was twice as big as the original.

I have a list of around 700 for this particular niche. A very small list but they're eager buyers so I emailed them and told the about the new version. It wasn't fair to charge 29.99 (the original price) for an updated version that would contain a percentage of the original material so I offered constant updates (I love the subject so a monthly update of a few pages is fun to me), along with the FULL updated book in a package for a subscription fee of 3 a month.

I also bundled in a monthly contact sheet (for industry contacts to do with this niche) and a 'discount' offer that I had agreed with another seller in the same area.

Out of the 700, 390 list members subscribed.

Judging from the emails I got back they were delighted with the subscription service and offers.

So - bang - I received 1170.00 into my Paypal account, and what's more, if they stay subscribed (and if they remain satisfied with my work they will), I'll be receiving the same 1170 (or thereabouts each and every month)

Now I could have sold the updated book for, say 20 a time and if the same 390 people had taken up the offer that would have been a lump sum of 7800.

Not a bad weeks work but as a subscription offer I'll have made more than this in 6 months, and it'll be an ongoing income. Paypal even handle the subscriptions for me!

So I have over 1000 in relatively secure income plopping into my account each month before I even start work.

The same principle could well apply to ebooks. Rather than writing a long ebook of 400 pages and selling it for 95, why not break it into 8 fifty-page ebooks and sell it as a monthly course for 19.99. Do the sums yourself. The beauty of courses is that once you have written the first three parts you can start selling them and you'll have three months to write the rest.

I've done it myself - in fact it's one of the first things I did as an Internet marketer - and it provides a more stable income than selling ebooks.

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