If you are new at turkey hunting I am going to recommend that you do these three things first:
You need to purchase or rent an instructional video on how to locate roosts, choose a stand with attention to concealment and also how to correctly utilize calls and calling methods.
Secondly you need to purchase your own turkey-calling device whether it is a box caller or a diaphragm. You must also practice with these calls extensively for it is very difficult to fool gobblers.
Finally I would suggest that on your first few outings to join an experienced friend if possible or hire a local guide to assist and coach you throughout the venture.
When preparing for a turkey hunt you must scout out an area where turkeys roost or feed. This would be places that fit the description of the above information on turkey food and water. Also refer to the section on habitat so that you may understand where turkeys may roost.
Signs That you have Found A Turkey Roost - Huntland.com
How To Recognize A Turkey Roost When You Have Found It
One good indication of a turkey's presence is of course tracks. Turkey hen tracks are around 4 inches long anything larger is most certainly a gobbler. Droppings can also be used to indicate a turkey's presence. An adult male will leave a scat several inches long knobbed into a J-shape. Also the ground under a roost may often have a noticeable amount of tracks, feathers and droppings.
I have located roosts by simply walking through the woods in the morning. If you do not see them first you will get quite a fright as turkeys fly to the roost upon being startled by me. I have also been lucky to see turkeys walking across fields at dusk or even in the middle of the day!
How To Hide From Turkeys Using A Turkey Blind
Finding Or Building A Turkey Blind
Man Hunting Behind A Natural Blind
A turkey blind is just the same as it sounds it is an area in which the turkeys will be "blind" to your presence. This blind may be a natural copse of trees or brush or it may be something you have to build out of local brush.
As you can see in the picture here on the right, this hunter has positioned himself behind brush to establish a blind. The trick is to stay very still and quiet, call the turkeys up using a turkey call, then as they come into range slowly stand and shoot. Hopefully you will bag that big gobbler that you have been waiting for! Of course if hunting is not your forte', then you may "shoot" with your camera. There is not much that can compare to close contact with these beautiful but elusive birds. Turkeys in flight to their roost are an awesome sight to see and hear.
Calling All Turkeys To Your Location
The Art Of Calling Turkeys
Now having found an area that turkey gobblers and hens are living and established a place out of sight to hunt, the next step will be to locate the bird, but more than likely you will have to locate turkeys by sound rather than sight. Hoping to draw them in with your calls. Use turkey calls sparingly perhaps in 5-minute intervals between each call depending on how the gobbler reacts. Make no sound at all when a turkey is approaching for his sight and hearing are very keen and at the first hint of danger the turkey will flee quickly within seconds.
There are gifted people that can make the sounds of a turkey hen or turkey gobbler with their mouth. For the rest of us there are few options in manufactured turkey calls of varying types. Some turkey calls are used to make the sound of a hen, some a gobbler and some turkey calls do both. We have listed turkey calls below here.
We cannot stress enough the importance of practicing with your turkey calls. Again you may want to get a video or book on the art of turkey calling. An experienced guide or fellow turkey hunter can also be invaluable in teaching you the use of turkey calls.
Turkey Hunting The Importance Of Camouflage
Another turkey hunting must is good hunting camouflage. Most turkey hunters cover themselves entirely (including their faces) in camouflage. The trick is to break up your body's silhouette so that you look like the environment that surrounds you. You must wear camouflage that breaks up your silhouette and make you appear less human to the gobblers eyes.
It is imperative that you wear full camouflage when hunting the elusive turkey. We recommend, in addition to your regular camouflage, that you add gloves, a hat and face camouflage when hunting turkey. The turkey is a very smart bird and is perhaps the most difficult game to hunt in the United States. Practice is the only way to assure success and unfortunately practice only comes through failure and patience, so have fun and be silent.
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