Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Self-Exam - Tips For Checking Out the Equipment

By now, most men have been instructed by their doc to perform a monthly penis self-exam in search of suspicious penis lumps or bumps.
Sure, most men regularly give their Johnson a good going over in the bedroom; however, checking for lumps is likely the last thing on their mind.
When it comes to the medical side of things, some men become anxious about what they may find and prefer to leave this to the medical experts.
However, an annual visit to a urologist may not be enough to catch a developing issue.
In fact, being familiar with the terrain down there makes it easier to spot something out of the ordinary.
So men are encouraged to grab a mirror - or a partner who is willing to scout out the scene - and give it a good look.
After all, a good penis care routine may just catch something the doc misses.
How to Perform a Penis Self-Exam Some men find it unpleasant to get up close and personal with their junk - although they have no problems with their partners getting a bird's eye view!A genital self-exam is a good preventative measure that should be done on a regular basis to keep on top of any gradual changes that may indicate a serious problem.
Often, cancerous lumps grow very slowly, so subtle changes may not be found on a sporadic self-exam regimen.
  1. Establish a baseline: First, it is important to know what things look like when they are healthy, so that changes will be more readily seen.
    It is important to spend a good long while becoming familiar with every - yes every - nook and cranny.
  2. Look for redness: Men should also be on the lookout for any areas of redness, irritation, bumps, blisters, open sores or warts over the entire genital area.
  3. Feel for bumps: Slowly rubbing the pointer and index finger over the surface of the penis and scrotum can help bring any bumps or nodules to light.
    Men who are uncircumcised need to retract the foreskin and examine the head of the penis, as well as the foreskin, and look for signs of irritation or yeast buildup along the seam of the foreskin.
  4. Go down under: Here is where the hand mirror comes in handy.
    Positioning a mirror carefully permits examination the underside of the penis and scrotum.
  5. Discharge: Any bleeding or discharge from the penisshould be a sign that a doctor's visit is imperative; if there are any sores on the penis, these should also be checked for oozing, discharge or blood.
  6. Squeeze and cough: Okay, during a self-exam, the cough may not be necessary; however, a gentle squeeze of the testicles can help check for swelling, nodules and tenderness of the area.
  7. Check the skin: Men who regularly shave their nether regions will have less difficulty checking the skin for pimples, freckles, moles or unusual skin conditions.
    For men who prefer to go au naturel, a closer examination is necessary to peer through the pubic hair.
    Slowly separating the pubic hair so the skin is visible and continuing this process until all the skin has been checked can help to uncover any suspicious spots or other skin irregularities.
Daily Penis Care While the thorough regimen described above need only be completed on monthly basis, men are not off the hook when it comes to daily penis care.
Something as simple as using a dailypenis nutrient cream(most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can go a long way towards keeping the penis healthy and thriving.
Selecting a product formulated with vitamin A can help keep bacteria at bay, reducing the appearance of penis pimples, ingrown hairs and other pesky penis problems.
Additionally, a penis oil will moisturize the skin of the penis leaving the skin silky smooth and supple.

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