Belly fat on women can increase with age but there is something you can do to prevent it or get rid of it. This article clearly states 4 great dieting tips you can begin to use today to combat belly fat.
Here is what you need to know about nutrition!
1. Dieting Tip 1: Protein. Get plenty! Protein has been shown in the lab to have a higher thermal effect than carbs and fat. This means it burns more calories when your body digests it so you actually benefit from eating it. Protein also keeps your hunger satisfied longer and it is a building block for lean muscle.
2. Dieting Tip 2: Carbohydrates. Think fiber! The majority of your carbs should come from vegetables, fruit and unrefined grains. These carbohydrates are high in fiber which aids your digestion and keeps you satisfied longer. Refined sugar and refined grains are your worst enemy and easily contribute to belly fat on women and should be avoided.
3. Dieting Tip 3: Fat. Do not be afraid to eat it! Eating too little fat can trigger cravings and play havoc with your mood. Look to fill your diet with good fat sources such as nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocados and fish oils.
4. Dieting Tip 4: Two things to avoid at all costs! Eliminate artificial trans fats from margarine, shortening, and hydrogenated oils found in most fried and processed foods. Also eliminate high fructose corn syrup which is contained in almost all sweetened products in your grocery store. Read your labels, if the food item contains these ingredients, don't eat it.
There are 4 great tips to lose belly fat in women, get plenty of protein, eat carbohydrates high in fiber, don't avoid good fats and eliminate trans fats and high fructose corn syrup from you diet. Start incorporating these dieting tips into your daily eating today.
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