Feeling Tired? Depressed? Stressed a lot? Check it out may be you are deficient of something.
More than 40ths and 30% of disease burden in developing countries are linked to factors involving nutrition.
Specifically, In India nearly 18% (i.e. approximately 400 million) of the total population and 44% of the young children (below 5yrs age) are undernourished.
Almost one-fifth of maternal deaths during pregnancy are due to iron deficiency, the rate of which is increasing alarmingly each day.
The cause for all these is under nutrition. That means people are not getting enough vitamins and minerals required by the body. But the question arises what are vitamins and how are they useful?
Vitamins and minerals are natural substances that your body needs to grow, develop, and function normally. Vitamins and minerals are contained in food; a well-balanced diet usually provides all of the vitamins required. However, there are times, such as during pregnancy and childhood, when your body needs more vitamins than usual. During certain illnesses, your body either cannot get or cannot efficiently use all of the vitamins it needs.
Multivitamins are prescribed for patients who need extra vitamins, who cannot eat enough food to obtain the required vitamins, or who cannot receive the full benefit of the vitamins contained in the food they eat.
The vitamins available for the human body include two types of vitamins i.e. fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K fall under fat soluble vitamins, i.e. they can be absorbed into the system through fat. Whereas water soluble vitamins like vitamin B and C dissolve in watery substances and gets absorbed and utilised in the system. Useful minerals include elements like calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, selenium etc.
Uses and sources of Vitamin B complex essential for human body:
Vitamin B1: This is also called as thiamine. It helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and thus helps in the generation of energy. It is available in Whole grains, enriched grains, Liver, pork, dried beans, nuts and seeds.
Vitamin B2: Also called as riboflavin. It helps your body use other B vitamins and also in the energy production. It is available in soybeans, meat and poultry, liver and eggs, Mushrooms, Milk, cheese, yogurt, Whole grains and enriched grains.
Vitamin B3: also called as niacin. It aids the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It helps proper working of enzymes in your body. It is available in Mushrooms, Peanut butter, meat, fish, poultry, Whole grains and enriched grains.
Biotin: Allows your body to use protein, fat and carbohydrate from food. It is available in sweet potatoes, Non-fat milk, yogurt, Peanuts, almonds, eggs, liver and soy protein.
Vitamin B6: It is also called as Pyridoxine.Helps your body to make and use protein and glycogen which is the stored energy in your muscles and liver. It helps in the formation of haemoglobin which carries oxygen in your blood. It is available in Potatoes, bananas, 100% bran, instant oatmeal, Meat, fish, poultry, liver, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, pistachio, nuts, and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B12: Also called as cobalamin. Along with folic acid it aids the synthesis of DNA and formation of Red Blood cells. Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause a type of anaemia. It helps in the development of neural health. It is available in Milk, cheese, yogurt, fortified soy or rice beverages, meat, fish, poultry, liver, eggs, fortified soy products.
Folic acid: It helps to produce and maintain DNA and cells. It is also helpful in the synthesis of red blood cells and prevents anaemia. It is available in Asparagus, cooked spinach, romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, beets, broccoli, corn, green peas, oranges, orange juice, Bread, enriched pasta, wheat germ, liver, dried beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds.
Deficiency of B-complex may lead to glossitis, beriberi, macrocytic anaemia, pernicious anaemia, neural birth defects in new born, Skin diseases, and pellagra. Hence to prevent all these disorders prefer a good, hygienic balanced diet.
Maintain your health by being nutritious.