Business & Finance mortgage

Feldman Law Center - Home Loan Modifications As Homeowners" Best Option

For all the negatives that have been written about loan modifications, and there have been a lot, the option is far and away the best option for struggling homeowners trying to stay in their homes and preserve their credit scores. As property values have plummeted, the possibility of selling or refinancing the home has been erased. That leaves foreclosure, a short sale, or short refinancing as the remaining options outside of a loan modification for homeowners to resolve their issues with their lenders. All of those options do extreme damage to credit scores and stay on the homeowners credit report for a minimum of seven years.

A home loan modification is basically a change in the terms of a homeowners existing mortgage with the objective of bringing the monthly mortgage payment back in line with the homeowners current financial situation. By modifying the existing mortgage, the transition doesnt affect the credit score of the homeowner. Additionally, the credit score of the homeowner does not carry much weight in the modification process.

A home loan modifications main feature is normally the alteration of terms on the existing mortgages first five years. Its not unheard of for modifications to alter terms for the life of the mortgage but most of them cover the first five years. It is hoped by all that conditions in the economy, real estate values, and the job market improve enough by that time that homeowners will either be able to sell the property or afford payments at the higher levels that go into effect once the modified rates revert back to their original levels. The modification benefits the lender by keeping the homeowner in place, which results in continued cash flow from the property, and by preventing the property from going into foreclosure and back on to the books of the lender.

As simple as the process has been made to sound here, the negotiation of terms on a mortgage is not in the normal purview of a homeowner. Hiring legal representation is the best way for a homeowner to ensure that will get the best results possible for their personal situation. An attorney will base the negotiation for the loan modification on the homeowners total financial picture, including credit card and consumer debt. Where it makes sense, the firm may initiate debt negotiations, along with the home loan modification, on the other debts carried by the homeowner including credit cards, revolving debt, consumer loans, unpaid medical bills, etc.

The law firm will also assist in the drafting of a hardship letter, which details the conditions of the challenges facing the homeowner. Hardships can include an adjustable rate mortgage with payments that have increased to the point where they are out of reach of the homeowner, pay cuts, job losses, illness, or divorce. The hardship letter should also include the homeowners plan for dealing with and getting past the current hardship. From that point negotiations begin, the ultimate prize being the modification.

If you are struggling with your mortgage payments, are behind on payments, and/or facing foreclosure, talk to an attorneys office that specializes in home loan modifications.

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