Breast Augmentation is a safe procedure that has remained very popular between American ladies. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed using various techniques and styles. It is generally consists of small incisions being made in the skin allow surgeon to place breast implants under the skin of the breasts. Any patient present for the breast augmentation should first be evaluated as any other surgical patient would be.
There are four basic techniques to do breast augmentation surgery.
1- Inframmamry Breast Augmentation Technique - An Inframmamry Breast Augmentation Technique is the most common Toronto breast augmentation procedure. This inserts the implant in the fold where the breast meets the chest wall, leaving no visible scars.Many patients fear that the scar will be most visible with the approach.When using a saline implant the incision can be as small as 2-3 cm and is usually well hidden.
2- Periareolar Breast Augmentation Technique - The Periareolar Incision technique is very popular and requires an incision around the areola. Some plastic surgeons feel that it is the most versatile approach. Placement of the implant in this location results in considerable duct, glandular, and nerve damage, carrying significant risk to milk production. The scar will be visible on breast mound.
3- Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Technique – It is an attractive choice in that the scar is hidden in the axilla and is often in very good quality. In order to minimize visible scarring, Transaxillary incision technique requires placement of an incision in the extreme upper, outer region of the breast, near the juncture of the arm to the torso. It is ideal in patients with breast that is posiontied is very high on the chest wall and does not need any move of IMF.
4- Transumbillical Breast Augmentation Technique - The Transumbilical incision technique, commonly called Transumbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA), is performed by inserting the implant through an incision in the umbilicus and moving it into place in the breast. The advantage of this technique is tiny scar hidden in the patient's sumbilicus.Disadvantage is less exposure, less control over bleeding and position of the implant. In this breast augmentation toronto technique, no incisions are made on the breast or into the breast tissue, although the breast tissue is disrupted and sometimes damaged as the implant is brought into position.
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